
Williamsburg, Traverse City, Grand Traverse County

Bike Trails

The Vasa Skillz Building Loop is designed specifically for kids and adults new to mountain biking to hone their skills, while still hopefully staying upright. Two one-mile, single-track loops have been completed and feature elements such as jumps, table tops, berms, and rock gardens designed to help people advance their mountain biking skills. The more technical sections of the trail even provide an option to ride around them (a big perk for beginners) until the rider is ready to take on the challenge.

The loops are located on the forty acre Vasa Pathway trailhead parcel owned by Grand Traverse County. The trail is designed and constructed with the International Mountain Bike Association’s best management practices to ensure a safe, enjoyable and sustainable trail. Trail construction will include clearing the trail route/6’ wide corridor, constructing a 4’ wide tread, supplementing existing soils with suitable fill materials and constructing berms, roll and jump features.

Parking: TRAILHEAD: 4450 Bartlett Rd, Williamsburg, MI 49690 DIRECTIONS: US31 to Bunker Hill Rd, RIGHT on Bartlett, LEFT into trailhead parking area. The trail is marked with wayfinding signs.

Tart Vasa Pathway Signage Trail Map


Contact info

Vasa Pathway, Bartlett Rd, Williamsburg, MI 49690, USA


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