
Mayfield, Traverse City, Grand Traverse County

Bike Trails | Nordic (XC) Skiing | Hiking Trails | Snowshoeing Trails

The first section of the Boardman River Trail provides 7 miles of newly constructed single-track trail connecting Mayfield Pond Park to the North Country Trail. Additionally, they have recently completed the trail between the Boardman River Nature Center and Cass Road. They are now focusing on completing the Boardman River Trail through Hoosier Valley to connect Mayfield Pond Park to Beitner Road.

Trail users will enjoy lakes, rivers, boardwalks, bridges, scenic vistas, forest and wildlife. The BRT will also serve as a connecting trail for people to safely walk or bike to the soccer fields, the YMCA, the Nature Education Reserve, Kingsley and the NCT. The trail will be ideal for backpacking, bike camping, trail running, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, bird watching, photography and wildlife study.

Tart Boardman River Trail Map


Contact info

Boardman River Trail Section 1, Paradise, MI 49696, USA


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